Ice Cream in a Bag

Last night it was just ridiculously hot here! So hot that a home cooked meal just wasn’t an option. We headed out to one of our favorite spots…Cookout.

One of the best places in the south to eat

One of the best places in the south to eat

On the way home, we stopped and got the stuff to make ice a bag!! When the kids were younger I heard about making ice cream in a freezer bag. I thought it would be pretty cool to try out but, I thought I needed to wait until they were older. I was right. But it was such a fun and neat project to try out.

All you do is fill a gallon size freezer bag {HALF} full of ice. Throw in a {HALF CUP} of rock salt.
ice in the bag

Then, in a quart size freezer bag, throw in a {CUP} of heavy cream, {2 TBSP} sugar, and {1/2 TSP} of vanilla. And seal shut.

Once you get the vanilla/cream mixture done and sealed, stick that bag inside the bag of ice and seal the ice bag shut.
bag in bag

Now, SHAKE IT SHAKE IT SHAKE IT! Shake that bag for a good five minutes!
Once you finish your shaking, open the ice bag and pull out the cream bag.
ice cream
VIOLA!! Homemade ice cream that you can eat straight out of the bag!!!

I hope y’all have as much fun with this one as my kiddos did.

School’s Out for the Summer

June 10, 2014. The last day of school for the ’13-’14 year.

Such a glorious, happy day for my kiddos. They’ve finished out their year of Kindergarten and Second grade. They couldn’t be more excited for summer vacation.

I, on the other hand, go into “oh lord, what’ll I do to keep ’em busy this summer” mode. Now during the day, the kids come to work with me and my momma. Thank you Jesus that our boss allows them to come with us. But I want them to have a good, fun summer after work hours.

It just so happened that the last day of school fell on the same day as the……SCHOOL BUS RACES! Redneck, I know. But it was so much fun to take them kids too. And it was a plus for the kids that their principal was racing one of the buses!!!


My pretty girl all ready for the bus races

My pretty girl all ready for the bus races

My handsome dude was ready for the bus races

My handsome dude was ready for the bus races

Lined up and ready to go

Lined up and ready to go




Rocky River Elementary representing! Go Mr. Borders!

Rocky River Elementary representing! Go Mr. Borders!


